Friday, October 9, 2009

And now she is 5 months old...

It seriously seems like yesterday that I posted about AC being 4 months old. She has definitely changed in the last month. She constantly rolls over now. She loves her siblings, mainly because they are trying to make her laugh.

AC's hair is getting longer and I have to brush it after baths now or else it looks CRAZY! Still seems like she is teething, even to the point that she has gotten up a couple nights in the middle of the night :(

She has developed quite a bald spot in the back of her head...I am not sure how because she has slept on her tummy for as long as I can remember.
Look at these girls. They are so cute!! They both have beautiful blue eyes. B and I were talking about how different they look, but when they are can tell they are sisters, right?
B and I were also discussing how stoic AC is sometimes. I love it.
This is a picture of AM wearing the same "little sister" shirt from their great aunt and uncle in Indiana:) She is just 4 months here, but I couldn't wait to take their picture in these super cute shirts!


Anonymous said...

AM is so YOU! Right down to the chin! AC has the same nose and chin, too. I am thinking I need a visit to Texas!

Love the shirts. Does AM's say "I am the middle child"?

Gramma Worthy