Monday, March 31, 2008

End of March brings....

Pops' birthday...I think he turned 54 or something. Just a few more years till he can retire:) We sat outside for a picnic like dinner. B smoked some ribs and a pork shoulder.

Spring has sprung and it means more playing outside for AM and C. Here is C blowing some bubbles with his Easter present.

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Happy Easter!!

The Easter Bunny had come and brought C a Turtle Kite!!! See...he's flying it!Then, we went to church. AM got a beautiful dress for her birthday from Granny!

When we got home from church, the Easter bunny had hidden eggs around the yard!!

The Easter Egg hunt continues all through the yard...

Then, we went to Granny and Pop's for some ham with B-rad and T-bird!!

Can you see C in the back? He is quite the potty goer ...there are pros and cons:)

Thursday, March 20, 2008

So, I had some knee surgery...

Happy Spring Break to me! I had a new ACL put in last Tues 3/10 and unfortunately, I am suppose to use crutches every waking minute. It is tough when you have little ones! sister flew in to take 1st shift. We had such a great time having her son here. Then my parents drove in for second shift. It has been tough and it's not over, but everyday gets better!! I wish I had more pictures, but everyone was always yelling at me to sit down!

At any rate, I can't thank mine and Brian's family enough for all the help they have given us. We literally could haven't done it alone. This has been such a difficult week+ and we are so thankful for our family that stepped in to help us...and thankful for Debs and Ruth Ann for the delicious food!!!

Sunday, March 16, 2008

AM's 1st Birthday

Happy Birthday AM!!

Which one is the real Wrigley?
We had a little party for AM's 1st birthday. With everything going on, we weren't able to plan anything too great, but we were SOOO surprised when T and S and JuJu and Haydog and the Vu's showed up! Turned out to be a good time...even with AM's small meltdown :)
Here is S, JuJu and Haydog...C thanks God for them every night...and Bear too!
Cake time!
AM said..."CAKE TIME!!" AM enjoyed her cake like a young lady :)

Wednesday, March 12, 2008


We have just been hanging out...

What? These are AM's regular glasses.

We did finish up the fence in the backyard. As you can see, C and I did most of the work.
This is AM on the least she doesn't know how to text message yet.