Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Oh...building forts and stuff...good times!

We have gotten into building some forts. This is one that B build. The one I built was much better, but I didn't get a picture.

Granny and the kids are on a boat ride in the boat we built! Pretty good right! C is so cute, he just goes from front seat to back seat. AM just sits there and giggles

Monday, May 12, 2008

In the good ole summertime!

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

How times have changed....

There was a time when we could meet at SB and talk for HOURS!! We wouldn't be missed if we were gone with the girls for that long. Now, we all have little ones and obligations and it has been MONTHS since we were all together at SB...let alone all together at SB with all of out little ones. S counts as a little one I guess... So, here we all all the ladies of CMS...all growed up and moving on.
Here are all our little ones...We keep multiplying. I don't think we are done yet!! We kinda took over the SB for an hour. They owe it to us after all these years.